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A Few Fundamentals of Groundwork

Writer's picture: AbbieAbbie

Groundwork is the base of everything you do with your horse. It establishes relationship, leadership, boundaries, and trust. It teaches your horse all the fundamentals of your riding or carting work, making the more advanced things less confusing for both parties. But what goes into groundwork? What should your groundwork program look like? What should groundwork accomplish? What are the fundamental components of groundwork?

Everyone has a different groundwork program, but honestly, groundwork boils down to 3 things; shoulder control, hip control, and ribcage control, which come together for body control. For my groundwork program, the fundamentals I address are standing still, walking forwards, backing up, driving shoulders over, yielding hindquarters, and maintaining a round circle when lunging.

Standing still brings shoulder, hip, and rib control together. When no pressure is applied, your horse should stand still and relax. Anxious horses have a harder time just standing still, so working on them being able to stand relaxed is important for their mental health and for everyone's safety. At a bare minimum, your horse needs to be able to stand for catching, grooming, and when tied/wrapped at a hitching rail or fence. Standing still is going to pretty much force their body to relax for that full release of dopamine, which that release is how horses learn. But how do you even teach your horse to stand still? Spending time just having them stand in one spot is going to be one of your more effective methods. Sit on a mounting block or something, and have them stand 5 or 6 feet away from you. If you have an extra nervous horse, you may have to go farther. Personally, I've had a horse that initially I would have to be 20 feet away from him to get him to stand and relax. If the horse moves from that spot you put them, lead or send them back to that spot. Bring your energy fully down when they are in the right spot. Gradually, you can work in, or work out, whichever your horse needs. Ideally, you horse should be able to stand still and relax no matter where you are, but for sure if you are anywhere within a 20ft radius. The standing still part of groundwork can be frustrating, especially with a high strung horse, but if you can get just standing still down, it's going to make the rest of your groundwork process much easier, and both of you will be safer both in the short and long term.

The next part of my groundwork program, walking forwards, is pretty self explanatory. Walking forwards is drawing into you, leading, etc. Just forward movement. While we need our horses to learn to stand still, we don't want them to learn just the brace up. Horses who just freeze are going to be the most explosive and the least predictable. Your horse needs to be able to make calm forward movement and they need to be able to be led. Building relationship and getting them to follow you is going to be a part of this, and being able to send them out on a circle is going to be the other main part. If you are just starting out teaching your horse to make forward movement, I would recommend beginning with the drawing in, and accomplish hip and shoulder control before establishing lunging.

If we go forwards, we also have to know how to go backwards. I like teaching my horses to back up to the wiggle of the lead rope. You can start this by standing a couple of feet in front, facing your horse, with the end of your lead rope in one hand, and a stick or whip in the other. I personally like having a stick more as I can push them off of me if they tried to crowd in, but any sort of "barrier" will work. There's 4 phases for getting your horse to back up off of energy. You will always start with phase 1 and if necessary, gradually work to phase 4. If at any point your horse backs up or even thinks about backing up, reward immediately by relaxing and removing all pressure. Once your horse relaxes and gets that release, you will start right back at phase 1. To begin phase 1, with your lead rope hand, raise your hand up in front of you and raise up your energy. You can raise your energy by simply standing up straight, pushing your chest out towards your horse, and rocking forward. If it helps you, you can imagine you have a pole between your heart and the horses head; you are pushing them away with this imaginary pole. If your horse rocks backward or even better takes a step backward, relax and let them know they did good. If they don't rock backwards, you can increase your energy by wiggling the lead rope ever so slightly. This slight wiggle is the end of phase 1. In this phase, the wiggle should not reach the halter, it should be purely moving off of body language. Phase 2 is a continuation of phase 1. If you need phase 2, you will increase the amount you are moving the lead rope to where the wiggle is reaching the halter. I recommend that you have your stick, whip, or barrier ready to place between you and your horse incase they were to crowd. You want to hold your ground if at all possible during this exercise so that your horse doesn't get mixed signals. Some horses will try to walk into you, trying to find where the release is, but you need to make sure that the release is in stepping backwards. If your horse steps backwards at all, release, then go back to phase 1. If they don't move after phase 2 for a while, or if they step into you, go to phase 3. Phase 3 is another level of increased shaking of the rope. You more than likely will want to have your stick out as a barrier because a lot of horses will initially try to crowd into you if you have to go to this stage. Maintain your rhythm and your ground until they rock back at all, then release. Once they relax, you start back at phase 1. If it is absolutely necessary for you to maintain your ground and safety, you can go to phase 4. Phase 4 is a quick pop of the rope. If you even think you horse may possibly get to a phase 4, use a halter and lead without a metal snap so that you aren't hurting them on accident. One phase 4 pop is the most you should ever need. If you get to phase 3 and it feels like you are getting nowhere, it's better to go up and physically back them up, then recenter both of yourselves, and try again, or if need be, go back the the drawing board. More often than not, the farthest you'll get is a phase 2. Repeat this backing up exercise at least 21 times, or as much as you see fit.

Once I get standing still, forwards, and backwards, I move on to shoulder and hip driving. To drive their shoulder over, stand in front of them, and with the lead rope in your hand, point out in the direction you want them to move their shoulder over, and add energy to the inside shoulder. This is the same thing as sending them out to lunge. More often than not, your horse will move their shoulder over. The most common hiccup is them wanting to back up. If they do back up, just walk with them, continuing to keep your cue consistent. If they are a chronic backer, start with their hind end up to a fence to help them find the right answer. Be patient and maintain your rhythm, and your horse will probably get it in no time. Remember to go both ways. The other part to this is yielding the hindquarters. Everyone teaches it a bit differently, but I like bending over a bit, looking at the hip, and then bringing their head to me while I walk toward the hip. I have found this the easiest way, and with practice, it gets to a simple look cue and they disengage. These two can be combined into a figure 8, where you drive shoulders, yield hindquarters, then go the other way, and it becomes a back and forth, smooth, motion. These will build your horse's focus on you and refine body control.

The next and last fundamental is lunging. If you have shoulder driving down pat, and have a solid hip yield, asking for the full circle shouldn't take much. That being said, teaching your horse to stay round can be very difficult. I like to teach roundness by asking for a trot on a large circle, like 20 feet or so. Gradually I shorten the line to where I get them 10-12 feet out. Starting out long will help them get into that forward motion, and bringing them in closer will make rounding much easier than being a board. If they just can't seem to get round, get them on a 12 ft circle, and take your stick and point it towards the back of their shoulder. Most horses are going to want to put their ribs out, and if you have them on a 12 ft line, they are going to keep their head with you, making them round out some. Use pressure and release with the stick, and eventually roundness will become second nature to them. Remember that rounding out can use muscles that they don't normally use, so the time frame can vary. Rounding out is just going to take practice. If your horse just can't seem to round out, doing a lot of figure 8s may help with building those muscles and movements.

Groundwork is the base of everything you do with your horse. It establishes relationship, leadership, boundaries, and trust. Hopefully these groundwork fundamentals will help you in your horsemanship journey, or at least give you insight to how some people go through their groundwork program. Thank you for the visit and good luck with all of your equine shenanigans! <3

- Abbie Davison.

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